Digital Applications
Geavanceerde digitale oplossingen voor efficiëntere boorprocessen
Millions in cost savings through drilling efficiency
Proven major contribution to safe drilling processes
More than 150 installations operating worldwide

Home " Specialisms " Digital Applications
Safe and efficient drilling processes worldwide
A particular specialism of Electroproject is Digital Applications. Both onshore and offshore, we provide an application for safe and efficient drilling. This is now used on more than 150 platforms worldwide. This is no longer just for oil and gas drilling - our applications for geothermal energy are gaining ground.
Our knowledge
With three different control systems, Electroproject is contributing to cost savings of millions of dollars in gas and oil exploration and production. Advanced Softtorque is a drilling technique that prevents 'stick-slip', or the jamming of the wellhead during drilling operations that go deeper than a kilometre.
Softtorque has been a proven technology for years on the platforms of leading operators such as Shell, Total and Aramco, and is now being succeeded by the even smarter Advanced Softtorque. With DigiSub, Electroproject offers a sensor system that provides real-time insight into above- and below-ground information. Physical sensors underground are therefore not needed. With Banyan, Electroproject provides the analysis tools - based on artificial intelligence and machine learning - that allow operators to perform predictive maintenance and prevent emergencies.

Advanced Softtorque
'Stick-slip' and 'downhole' vibrations: they are major challenges in any drilling operation. Stick-slip slows the penetration speed of the drill head, while vibration causes additional wear on the head. It can also damage the top-drive equipment and the drill channel itself. Changing the drill head earlier results in extra costs and lost time.
Electroproject's Softtorque technology, which first found its way to Shell in the 1990s, proved to be the egg of Columbus after years of fruitless searching. Since then, the original Softtorque technology has been improved with developments such as Advanced Softtorque and Softtorque AutoTuning. Advanced Softtorque delivers even better mitigation of the 'stick-slip' phenomenon, while AutoTune increases the technology's ease of use.

DigiSub is the first soft sensor of its kind. It provides real-time key information on the dynamic behaviour of the drill column during drilling operations. Based on a verified physical model of the drill column and fed with high-frequency data from the top drive (250 hz). DigiSub provides information on the speed and dynamic torque of the drill column and chisel, without the deployment of expensive sensors in the borehole. As part of the Banyan platform, this data is synchronised with the rig data and delivered to the user in real time.
The Banyan data aggregation and automation platform lays the foundation for information-based operations, both at the rig site and at Remote Operating Centres (RTOCs) , providing the necessary information in real time to all those involved in a drilling operation. In this digital age, Banyan's success lies in its ability to connect to all data providers, collect data down to the kHz range and provide context for this data. This enables a broad spectrum of advanced functions. These range from automation, preventing problems (event prevention) to predictive maintenance and providing insights for efficiency programmes to achieve operational excellence.

Our approach
A feature of Electroproject is that we have the knowledge and experience to keep the entire process in-house. This allows us to deliver the bespoke approach we are known for. Because we can provide service from design to completion and 24/7 service after that, you can rely on a turnkey solution with Electroproject,

Our partners
Electroproject only cooperates with reputable partners such as EIN Enterprise, World Wide Power Services FZCO, Singapore Innovation Technology, SigmaStream and E&J Trading Co. Ltd. This allows us to guarantee global component support and availability. We always make the choice that best suits your situation independently and without brand preference.